Friday, February 25, 2005

Holy Snowboarding Hobos Batman!

I can't take full credit for finding this one, as one of my friends stumbled across this while on an Indiana Jones fan site. (Yeah, you heard me right, an Indy Fan webpage)

I guess Harrison Ford's son is quite active in the snowboarding community, and when a friend of his son asked him to do a cameo in his snowboarding film, Harrison agreed.

No need to watch the entire trailer, the money shot of Harrison is in the first five seconds.

You won't believe your eyes. I promise.

Click here to see Harrison.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whilst lying in bed around noon on Sunday (I can't lie and say that I was sleeping when I was actually flipping through the pages of the latest US Weekly, viewing the photos of Britney and KFed's boozy, sunburned, whitetrash-errific honeymoon)I was startled by a most jarring sound. Over and over again I heard it: "What up beeyotch?!!", followed by angry guitar music and a loud, boisterous giggle. I dragged my hungover butt into the kitchen to discover the source of this racket. There was my favorite houseguest, Rob Morris, up in Brooklyn from D.C. for the weekend,(compliments of the trusty Fung-Wah bus) laughing his ass off in front of the computer. He forced me to watch the first five seconds of the above linked video several times without telling me who the star was. None of us could figure it out, and when Indy's identity was revealed we could not stop laughing and watching it on loop. Wow, I thought, this is the real point of a blog, nay, the internet. Geeky high school best friends laughing together, thousands of miles apart, over a useless nugget of pop-culture gold. Nicely done Kalinda, keep up the good work and keep us laughing back in New York !

9:26 PM  
Blogger Kalinda said...

Awwwww Maever, I'm glad I haven't lost my touch. And I promise to keep it up as long as you promise to never stop being you! ;)

9:52 PM  

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